Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Mantieni l'Italia Funky

 Keep Italy Funky!

This view from my (Shane) office building never gets old. Il Vesuvio, my sometimes grumbly cubicle neighbor, is quite the sight to behold. He is just one part of a large visible mountain range. Napoli isn't the cleanest city, but when you step back and look at the bigger picture, you see just how beautiful l'Italia is.

We are finally making progress on life here. A home has been selected and the month+ long process to get in it has begun. Home rentals here go through a whole turnover process after a tenant vacates. Think painting rooms, fixing items, updating, and in our case, opening the pool. It also has to go through an inspection by the base housing office to ensure it's up to their standards, along with rent negotiations, which also adds to the timeframe. At the moment, we don't have any more of our stuff than when we first arrived (still living out of suitcases hooraaaay...), so there's no real rush other than just wanting to get into our own space (and have a yard to more easily let the dogs out in the mornings!). I know you're excited to see it, but the big reveal will have to wait for a future post. Don't want to jinx anything!

Shane has settled on his commuter car for over here. It is a 2015 Mini Cooper, but the 4-door variety so the kids have a TINY bit more room. It is a manual transmission, so Sara will continue practicing her shifting skills, awful as they may be. Unfortunately, some snafus with funds transfers have kept us from picking it up yet, but everything is ready now and just waiting for Shane to get back from Germany.

Wait, what? Germany?? Yep, first business trip is already underway! Shane headed to Sembach, Germany on Sunday April 21 for a week-long training with all of his fellow DODEA Europe IT colleagues. It's everything his little mountain-loving heart could wish for, views of the Alps included, but maybe not the freezing temperatures. 

And now for a segment (hopefully recurring) that we will title "Napoli è Strana" (Naples is Weird)

This is in no way intended as a bad thing. We LOVE weird! Weird can be actual odd-ball stuff, something uncomfortable, something goofy, or something just plain different than we are used to in the US. Some of these might be unique to Naples, all around Italy, or might be found throughout Europe. We honestly don't know enough yet. So here goes, our first round of Weird.

- Traffic lights are BARELY a thing. We have driven through many areas of the city now, and I think we have seen a total of 2. No, I didn't leave off a number. That is, indeed, TWO. Which brings us to our second point...

A lonely traffic light outside the NATO base in Lago Patria

- Driving in Napoli is INSANE. With barely a traffic light in sight, and you can pretty much forget stop signs, driving is a very INTERESTING situation. Cars just sort of slide/cut/glide/butt in wherever they need whenever they can. As a result, it does seem like most people drive a little more slowly, or at least are constantly prepared to hit the brakes, to accommodate other drivers jumping into the flow of traffic. And people barely bat an eye at what we would consider being "cut off." I think we will simultaneously be both better and worse drivers whenever we come back to the states. We apologize in advance. 

- Clothes dryers, or asciugatrici, are not the air-heating, quick-drying machines we are used to. The model we have in our apartment does warm up a little, but mostly dries clothes by pulling the moisture from them and condensing it into a bin on the door that needs to be emptied. It takes 2-3 hours to fully dry a load of clothes, and these are much smaller loads than we're used to. It sounds like the units the base supplies for housing will be similar. Which just means we'll likely get back to some more eco-friendly roots and hang dry a lot of things! 

Maybe we'll get some fish to make laundry more interesting...

- Kitchens (cucina) typically move with people. I'm talking cabinets, appliances, everything! Luckily, there is a very big rental market around here because of both the Navy and NATO bases, so most rentals come fully stocked or just missing a fridge and stove, since the base will provide those. 

- Another fun kitchen feature is that most have cabinets above the sink that contain drying racks! It's likely to make up for less counter space, and it has been one of Shane's favorite features. Unfortunately, the house we have chosen is the only one of all of our favorites that doesn't have that. Oh well! 

- Commas and decimals are completely opposite of what we're used to. If somethings costs 10 euros and 50 cents, it would be written €10,50. Whereas if it costs ten thousand five hundred, it will be €10.500. This has been yet another very weird mental shift to work on. 

Please also acknowledge the weirdness that my activity app has become since I changed my region.

- In the grocery store, eggs aren't kept in a refrigerated section (the horror!!!) 😂

- Less weird and more wonderful; recycling is a requirement rather than a suggestion, and curbside organic waste pickup (to be taken to a commercial composting facility) is a normal part of trash sorting! Unfortunately you can see the lack of recycling mentality on the base. There are plenty of trash and recycling bins, but the "trash" bins are overflowing and you can clearly see cans, glass jars/bottles, paper and other easily recyclable items chucked in with everything else. We need to do better! 

To close, we'll leave you with our fortunes from the incredible sushi place we visited last weekend! 

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